For additional delivery information, please see our FAQ page

How we deliver

We use a range of delivery options depending on what you have ordered. Sometimes we also dispatch furniture items direct from our suppliers to cut down on delivery times, packaging and save on unnecessary mileage – again this is another way we’re trying to do our bit for the environment.

Our Bespoke Collection furniture is delivered by a specialist delivery team and currently our standard delivery option is a contactless, door step service following social distancing procedures. Tables are typically delivered unassembled to aid with access to properties, with instructions and, where necessary, tools provided for ease of self-assembly (screwing bases to table tops is typically all that is needed). A suitable power driver/drill will be required.

Optional assembly services are typically available for our Bespoke Collection furniture and will be shown in the delivery options during checkout.

All other furniture either comes ready assembled or will require some assembly (such as attaching legs) and instructions are provided. Please check product pages for more assembly information. Unfortunately, at this time, our delivery partners do not offer an assembly service. It’s something we hope to be able to offer in the future.

Our standard delivery services are a 1 man service to the ground floor entrance of any property. We’d kindly ask you’re able to assist our delivery drivers receiving the furniture – we’d always advise 2 people are available to assist, particularly with larger orders. Please contact us if you have any specific delivery requirements and we will do our best to help you.

Whichever way we get your order to you, we or a delivery partner on our behalf will always provide you with delivery information ahead of your order being delivered. For smaller items, this is typically tracking information from our delivery partners and for larger items we’ll be in touch to arrange a delivery date and discuss delivery options that may be available. Please also check the specific delivery information detailed on each product page.

If you have ordered multiple items of different types, they may be dispatched via different delivery partners at different times. This is all to help with delivery times and to cut out unnecessary packaging and mileage.

If this is the case, you will receive different delivery details to help you track the different items in your order.

Delivery timescales and destinations

Delivery times vary according to the products in your order, Normally its 7 to 10 working days.

Please check with us for delivery to non mainland UK locations. Where this is available, additional charges and timescales will apply. For many items, delivery to a UK mainland port for onward delivery can be arranged.

Delivery costs and destinations

Delivery costs will vary according to the products in your order. The cost will be confirmed during checkout of your order.

For many smaller items, delivery will be based on the price of your order:

Standard UK Mainland Shipping

£4.99 for orders of up to £49.99

£6.99 for orders between £50.00 and £99.99

£9.99 for orders between £100.00 and £149.99

£14.99 for orders between £150.00 and £299.99

£29.99 for orders between £300.00 and £499.99

£39.99 for orders between £500.00 and £699.99

£49.99 for orders over £700

For larger furniture products including from our reclaimed and sustainable collection, standard delivery is free to most mainland UK locations. Depending on the product, optional assembly services are also typically available. Delivery charges will still apply to Scotland and other long distance locations and will be confirmed during checkout. Where delivery charges apply, we will combine the delivery cost for multiple items.


At every stage of your order with us, we’re always trying to do our bit, to help you do your bit to reduce the impact on our planet.

How your order will be packaged will depending on the items in your order:

  • Furniture – these are typically dispatched direct from our suppliers in recyclable packaging, where possible. This saves any wastage from re-packaging and may not look as pretty as it could but we think it’s a worthwhile compromise. For some products, we know more can be done to improve internal packaging and tapes, whilst ensuring they are delivered safely and we’re working with our suppliers towards this.
  • Bespoke Collection reclaimed furniture – these items are typically delivered by a specialist delivery team. They are packaged, loaded and transported in such a way that minimises packaging yet ensures the furniture is protected. The furniture will be delivered to you unpackaged ready for self assembly or assembly dependent on the option chosen.
  • Plastic free products, reusable products and soft furnishings – these are all packaged using recycled and recyclable cardboard with recyclable paper based tape and recyclable internal packing. All materials are from sustainable sources.